Alabama : Camp Skyline, Mentone Alaska : Alaska State Parks Volunteer Program, PO Box 107001, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7001 Arizona : Grand Canyon National Park Lodges, PO Box 699, Grand Canyon, Arizona 86023 Arkansas : National Park Service, PO Box 728, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 California : Camp Harmon, Dept SJ, 16403 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, California 95006 Colorado : Cheley Colorado Camps, PO Box 1170, Estes Park, Colorado 80517 Connecticut : Camp Hemlocks, PO Box 198, Hebron, Connecticut 06248 Delaware : Chesapeake Bay Girl Scout Council, 501 S.College Ave, Newark, Delaware 19713 District of Columbia : National Park Service, 200 Constitution Ave, NW. Washington DC 20210 Florida : Actionquest Programs, PO Box 5507, Sarasota, Florida 34277 Georgia : Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites, 205 Butler St, Suite 1352, Atlanta Georgia 30334 Hawaii : Camp Mokuleia, 68-729 Farrington Highway, Waialua, Hawaii 96971 Idaho : Redfish Lake Lodge, Box 9, Stanley Idaho 83278 Illinois : Shady Oaks Cerebral Palsy Camp, 16300 Parker Road, Lockport, Illinois 60441 Indiana : Dudley Gallahue Valley Camps, Dept SJ, 615 North Alabama St, Room 235, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Iowa : Camp Hantesa, RR1, Boone, Iowa 50036 Kansas : National Park Service, 1709 Jackson St, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Kentucky : Life Adventure Camp, 1122 Oak Hill Drive, Lexington, Kentucky 40505 Louisiana : Marydale Resident Camp, HC 68, Box 429, St Francisville, Louisiana 70775 Maine : Acadia Corporation 85 Main St, PO Box 24, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 Maryland : West River United Methodist Centrer, Chalk Point Road, PO Box 429, Churchton, MD 20733 Massachusetts : Williamstown Theater Festival, PO Box 517, Williamstown, Mass 01267 Michigan : Camp Miniwanca, 8845 West Garfield, Shelby Michigan 49455 Minnesota : Eden Wood Camping and Retreat Center 6350 Indian Chief Road, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55346 Mississippi : National Park Service, 75 Spring Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Missouri : Lions Den Outdoor Learning Center, 3602 Lions Den Road, Imperia, Missouri 63052 Montana : 63 Ranch, PO Box 979, Livingston, Montana 59047 Nebraska : National Park Service, 1709 Jackson St, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Nevada : National Park Service, 450 Golden Gate Ave Box 36063, San Francisco California 94102 New Hampshire : Camp Tevya, 4 Willey Road, Durham, NH 03824 New Jersey : Camp Nejeda, Saddleback Road, Stillwater, New Jersey 07875-0156 New Mexico : Glorieta Baptist Conference Center, exit 299, I-25, Glorieta New Mexico 87535 New York : Camp Jeanne d'Arc, Narrows Road, Merrill, NY 12955 N. Carolina : Rolling Thunder River Co, c/o Beth Allison, PO Box 88, Almond, N.C. 28702 N. Dakota : National Park Service, PO Box 25287, Denver, Colorado 80225-0287 Ohio : Geauga Lake, 1060 N. Aurora Road, Aurora Ohio 44202 Oklahoma : National Park Service, Southwest Regional Office, PO Box 728, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Oregon : YWCA Camp Westwind, 2353 N. Three Rocks Road, Otis, Oregon 97368 Pennsylvania : Camp Archibald, RR2 Box 123, Kingsley, Pennsylvania 18826 Rhode Island : Rocky Point Amusements Inc, 1 Rocky Point Ave, Warwick, Rhode Island 02889 S. Carolina : Fripp Island Beach Club, 300 Tarpon Bd, Fripp ISland, S. C. 29920 S. Dakota : American Presidents Resort, Highway 16A, Custer, S. Dakota 57730 Tennessee : Girl Scout Camp Sycamore Hills, Box 40466, Nashville, Tennessee 37204 Texas : Camp Stewart for Boys, Route 1, Box 110, Hunt, Texas 78024-9714 Utah : National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Regional Office, PO Box 25287, Denver, Colorado 80225-0287 Vermont : Camp Thorpe, Inc. RR3, Box 3314, Goshen, Vermont 05733 Virginia : Camp Horizons, Route 3, Box 374, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 Washington : Rosario Resort, 1 Rosario Way, Eastsound, Washington 98245 W. Virginia : Camp Rim Rock, Box 69, Yellow Spring, W. Virginia 26865 Wisconsin : Birch Trail Camp for Girls, PO Box 527, Minong, Wisconsin 54859 Wyoming : Rafter Y. Ranch, 323 Wagon Box Road, Banner, Wyoming 82832 Pour se procurer des adresses d'entreprises ciblées : A Group Student Travel, 76 rue Denis Papin - 41000 Blois - Tel 54 74 68 58
Pour des stages d'étudiants en commerce dans une entreprise américaine : AIESEC France, La Défense 1, 53 Galerie des Damiers, 92400 Courbevoie Tel 1-47-17-00-00 ; Fax 1-46-92-06-04
Travail au Pair s'adresser a :
Camp America, Family Companion/Au Pair Department, 37 Queens Gate, London SW7 5HR, UK. Tel (01) 581-2378
Travailler a Washington :
Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachussets Avenue NE, Washington DC 20002, USA Tel (202) 546-4400
Institute for Policy Studies 1901 "Q" Street NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Tel (202) 234-9382
Bernie Muller, Intern Program Director, US Congress, Washington DC 20515, USA
Createurs d'entreprise : Travailleurs Independants
National Retail Merchants' Association 100 West 31st Street, New York, NY 10001 USA
Insurance Information Institute 110 William Street, New York NY 10038, USA
National Association of Realtors 155 East Superior Street, Chicago Illinois 60611, USA
Travail de Bureau National Association of Public Accountants 1010 N. Fairfax St, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
American Bankers' Association 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington DC 20036, USA
United Business Schools Association 1730 M. Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA
American Federation of Information Processing Societies 1899 Preston White Drive, Reston, VA 22091, USA
National Association of Public Adjusters 1613 Munsey Building, Baltimore MD 21202, USA
Insurance Information Institute 110 William Street, New York, NY 10038, USA National Secretaries Association 2440 Pershing Road, Suite G-10, Kansas City, MO 64108, USA
Les Media, les Arts :
Society of Illustrators 128 East 63d Street, New York NY 10021, USA
Professional Photographers of America Inc 1090 Executive Way, Oakleaf Common, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018
Photo Marketing Association 603 Lansing avenue, Jackson, Michigan 49202, USA
Printing Industries of America 1730 North Wynn Street, Arlington, Virginia 22201 USA
Society for Technical Communications Inc Suite 421, 1010 Vermont Ave NW Washington DC 20005, USA
National Association of Broadcasters 1771 North Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA
Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street NW, Washington DC 20554, USA
US Equity (Actors' Equity Association) 165 West 46th Street, New York, NY 10036 USA
Electricite/Electronique :
Communication Workers of America 1925 K Street NW, Washington DC 20006, USA
Education :
Legal Paraprofessional, American Bar Association 1155 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637 USA
Council of Library Science University of Mississippi, Mississippi 38677, USA
National Recreation and Parks Association 1601 North Kent Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA
National Education Assocation 1201 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA
Ingenieurs, Scientifiques :
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1290 Av. of the Americas, New York, NY 10019, USA
American Society of Agricultural Engineers 2950 Niles Road, St Joseph, Michigan 49085, USA
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute 1815 N. Fort Myers Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA
US Energy Information Administration 1000 Independence Ave NW, Washington DC 20585, USA
American Institute of Biological Sciences 1401 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA
American Institute of Chemical Engineers 345 East, 47th Street, New York NY 10017, USA
American Society of Civil Engineers 245 East, 47th Steet, New York, NY 10017, USA
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 345 East, 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA
Institute of Food Technologist Suite 2120, 221 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60601, USA
Society of American Foresters 1010 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA
Americal Geological Institute 52025 Leesburg Pike, Falls Churche, Virginia 22041 USA
American Institute for Industrial Engineering 25 Technology Park, Norcross, Atlanta, Georgia 30071, USA
Instrumentation Society of America 400 Stanwix Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 USA
Marine Technology Society 1730 M Street NW, Washington DC 20036, USA
American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street, New York NY 10017, USA
American Meteorological Society 45 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108, USA
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping Woodward Bdg, 733, 15th Street NW, Washington DC 20005, USA
American Institute for Design and Drafting 3119 Prince Road, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003
Sante : American Dental Assistants Association 211 Chicago Drive, Chicago, Ill 60611
American Dental Hygienists Association 211 East Chicago Ave, Chicago, Ill 60611
American Hospital Association 840 North Lake Drive, Chicago, Ill 60611
Emergency Medical Service Branch National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 400 7th Street SW, Washington DC 20590
American Association of Medical Assistants 1 East Walker Drive, Suite 1510, Chicago, Ill 60601
American Society for Medical Technology 5555 West Loop South, Bellaire, Texas 77401
American Medical Record Association John Hancock Center, Suite 1850, 875 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago Ill 60611
National Association for Practical Nurse Education & Service 122 East 42nd Street, Suite 800, New York NY 10017
American Nurses' Association 2420 Pershing Road, Kansas City, Missouri 64108
American Occupational Therapy Association 6000 Executive Bd, Rockville, Maryland 20852
Association of Operating-Room Technicians 110 W. Littleton Bd, Suite 201, Littleton, Colorado 80120
National Academy of Opticianry 514 Chestnut Street, Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
American Optometric Association 7000 Chippewa Street, Saint Louis, Missouri 63119
American Physical Therapy Association 1156, 15th Street NW, Washington DC 20005
American Society of Radiologic Technologists 645 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 60611
American Association for Respiratory Therapy 7411 Hines Place, Dallas, Texas 75235
Compagnie de Fret Maritime :
Navis, Billhorner Kanalstrasse 69, D-2000 Hambourg 28, Allemagne Tel (19-49-40-78948234)
Cours de francais : Amity institut Po box 118/Del mare ca 92014 Tel. (619) 755.35.82
Aiea (Agence internationale de l'energie atomique) Vienna international center Po box 100/A 1400 Vienne - Autriche
CNUCED Conference des N.U. sur le commerce, développement 418 avenue de la Paix Palais des Nations 1211 Geneve - Suisse
divers :
OMS Organisation mondiale de la santé 20 avenue Appia 1211 Genève - Suisse
BIRD Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et développement 1818 H Street Washington DC 20433 - USA
Annonce presse :
Nouvelle Angleterre Nouvelle Institut français College de l'Assomption 500 rue Salisbury Worcester MA 01609 Tel. (617) 752.56.15
Le Canado américain CP 989 52 rue Concord Manchester NH 03165 USA Tel. (603) 625.85.77
Le journal de Lowell Cp 1241 Lowell MA 01853 Tel. (508) 453.17.80
Le Farog Forum 126 avenue College Universite du Maine a Orono Orono ME 04469 Tel. (207) 581.37.75 Le réveil acadien Cp 23 Marlboro MA 01752 Tel. (617) 534.65.34 L'Union 1 rue Social, Boite f Woonsocket r.i 02895 Tel. (401) 769.025.20
Bulletin de la federation feminine franco-américaine CP 347 Manchester NH 01886 Tel. (617) 678.18.00
Information Cp 504 Manchester NH 03105 Tel. (603) 622.28.83
France-amérique 330 42th Street West; Suite 2600 New-York NY 10036 Tel. (212) 629.44.60
Nouvelles franco/news Cp 12942 Albany NY 12212 Tel. (518) 692.26.90
Le Soleil de la Floride 1109 North Federal highway Hollywood FL 33020 Tel. (305) 923.45.10
Louisiane L'esprit Createur Cp 25333 Baton Rouge LA 70894 Tel. (504) 388.66.27
Revue francophone de Louisiane Dpt de Langues Cp 43331 Lafayette LA 70504 Tel. (318) 231.68.11
La Gazette 1360 Peachtree NE, suite 200 Atlanta GA 30309 Tel. (404) 875.12.11
Le Canard Déchainé Dpt de Francais Mvhs - 314 9th st North Mount Vermont WS 98273 Tel. (206) 428.61.00
Californie Le Journal des Français d'Amérique 1051 Divisadero St San Francisco CA 94115 Tel. (415) 921.51.00
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